Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lincoln Sculptures #5

Lincoln sculpture as seen from the lower path.

Poor Abe can’t get a word in edgewise!

Shelburne Falls

The ride to Shelburne Falls, MA on Sunday went very well considering I forgot to bring my Google map and directions. I was pretty sure I remembered the exit but stopped at a gas station off I-91 to get a look at a map. Shelburne Falls is one of those charming old mill towns that time seems to have passed by. Bonnie rode up with me and it was good to have a Guide showing me the town. She had been there before and knew just where to go. The Bridge of Flowers had loads of fall flowers in bloom. The most impressive sight had to be the glacial potholes. The riverbed was exposed showing the striations in color of the rocks as well as how they were folded by the action of the glacier. I have put this town on my list of destinations for next summer. They have a cutlery store on the other side of the Deerfield River (which I believe is the town of Buckland ). I could use some good knives.

Publishing Party in Shelburne Falls
I have a poem, “Who Walks the Tower” in the Fall 2008 issue of Equinox. Bonnie has two in this issue. We had a whole new audience for our work, and a whole new group of voices we had never heard before. All in all, it was a wonderful day. Mocha Maya’s Coffee House is a great venue and Maureen and her staff of volunteers did such a great job putting the book together.

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