Monday, November 23, 2009

That left Liz, Jess and me on our own to walk a few more shops. Then it was off to Niantic to visit the Book Barn. I had never been there before and the experience was overwhelming! I found the little nook where the poetry books were located and had to walk away. There were too many books in too small a space.

Jess lit out for her idea of more interesting stuff, while Liz and I found the Arthurian section. Everything is relative. I bought 4 books I hadn’t planned on buying and Liz bought one.

My four books:

“Arthur’s Britain” and “Was this Camelot? Excavations at Cadbury Castle 1966-70” by Leslie Alcock.
“The Discovery of King Arthur” by Geoffrey Ashe
“Pendragon, the definitive account of the origins of Arthur” by Steve Blake and Scott Lloyd.

Before these latest purchases I’ve been reading six books…three of which are poetry. I don’t have time to read what I already have, so, of course, I bought four more! ☺☺

A day on the shore with a friend and a granddaughter. It doesn’t get any more special than that!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Bev, I've been wondering when you were going to post again. Now I know how busy you've been! The day at the shore sounds great. I especially would have loved to check out that Book Barn!