Life after facebook was short! I missed not being able to interact with my family and very close friends.
I gave it a lot of thought as to how I could get back in without having to suffer those "friends" who, as it turned out, posted to the extreme. And it wasn't even about what was going on in their lives. It was a lot of those fuzzy, warm, feel-good posters/sayings that they downloaded by the truckload to facebook. I have a saturation point! :)
It was tedious, but I managed to "unfriend" most of my friends list. Any one who is actually family or those close friends I consider family were spared the cuts. I was pretty brutal. It's not that I don't like the people I unfriended. I do like them. But I like them a lot better now that my facebook home page won't be cluttered up with all their stuff!
It took me some time to figure out how to reactivate my accouint. As it turned out, all I had to do was sign in. It couldn't have been easier. Of course the route I took to that easy-as-pie sign-in, was circuitous and a lot harder than it had to be.
Now I'm trying to delete the new gmail account I set up. Really sorry I did that. I have decided I don't want to use it and I don't like their calendar...which is what I really wanted.
Some days I really, really hate electronics. Is Mercury retrograde?
Philip…I Celebrate Your Life
8 years ago