Monday, December 2, 2013

Critters at My Bird Feeders

This past Thanksgiving I went down to my family room intending to read. However, the critters (mostly birds) at the feeders were way more entertaining.

In the picture above, the wooden gazebo-like feeder has safflower seeds in it because it’s the only one the squirrels can get into and they will not eat safflower seeds. The metal feeder is constructed so squirrels cannot get at the seeds so have given up. The thistle feeder is the long tube and the suet is in the double cage. Squirrels don’t go for thistle and for some reason haven’t tried to get at the suet…yet.

Your geographic reference is: I live in North Central Connecticut.

Sparrows are by far the most numerous, followed by Juncos, and Goldfinchs. Next come the Mourning Doves, Redpolls and/or Purple finchs (I can never remember how to tell them apart), and Chickadees.

The numbers fall off considerably when it comes to Nuthatchs, Titmouses, and Blue Jay. Robins (yes they come around now and then and will eat seeds if hungry enough) outnumber Cardinals. I know that’s crazy at this time of year, but that’s climate change for you.

I find the woodpeckers (Hairy, Downey, and Flicker) quite interesting as they hammer away at the suet.

I’ll mention the bright yellow parakeet that showed up on Thanksgiving afternoon, although I’m sure it was someone’s pet that got lost. Haven’t seen it since.

In addition to the birds I have a squirrel, that seems to fly when I chase it. And finally, the ‘possom that comes after sundown to clean up what’s left on the ground.

Better than TV.