Sunday, October 18, 2015

First Cold Snap - Fall 2015

Last night north central Connecticut had temperatures below freezing. Our local weather forecaster on WFSB Channel 3 showed our low temp this morning at 27°. The thermometer I have outside my basement sliders showed just 32°.

As proof of the freezing temp, the water in the birdbath had ice in it and as of right now (11:15 a.m.) still has ice! My flowers, however, seem to be unaffected by the cold.

My back garden, on one side, has had huge pumpkin plant leaves that came through the fence from my neighbor's garden and have hung over mine for quite a long time now. They were the only ones that got nipped by the cold.

It will be interesting to see what tonight’s temps will do.

That's ice on the bird bath.

If you look at the second and fourth pictures down in the previous posting, you'll see what this garden looked like a couple weeks ago. Notice the huge leaves from my neighbor's pumpkin plant that you don't see in this photo. They succumbed to the cold.
The front garden looks fine. Even the petunia looks good. My neighbor has roses that survived the night. I'll pick a few peppers and bring them inside to dry...that will be next year's crop. The rest I'll leave out until they get frost bit. You can see where I have already cut back the phlox.