Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Big Red Responds to Bad Press

We had a measly 1 inch of snow this morning…thank goodness. I was prepared to shovel the driveway, but I wanted to give Big Red another chance.

After the last debacle, I showed him my blog, and, if he wasn’t already bright red, you would have seen him blushing with embarrassment.

I could hear him mumbling to himself out in the garage: “Here I sit, a snow blower. Not just ANY snow blower. I’m a HONDA snow blower known for the quick start (just like my little brother, Little Red the lawn mower). To make matters worse, I occupy the garage with that cute Honda Fit. What must she think? How embarrassing!”

I wondered just how embarrassing.

Normally I would not bother using Big Red on just 1 inch of snow. I would let Mother Nature take care of that through melting. However, I had to know.

Check the gas tank…FULL. Throttle in CHOKE position. Gas lever ON. Transmission ENGAGED. Switch to ON position. Grab handle and pull. And pull x 5.

Big Red roared to life. How sweet it was. I gave him a couple minutes to make sure all systems were go and we were off slicing through barely enough snow to notice. But to us, Big Red and me, it was triumph over the forces of nature (or whatever it was that was bothering him last week)!

I have taken a big chance and cancelled the service call scheduled for Friday. There is a big storm that may or may not give us snow over the weekend and I am counting on Big Red to start.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Good luck! Hope you don't regret cancelling that service call.
And didn't I hear there is a recall on Honda Fit cars? (yikes!)