This is just one hoof mark taken yesterday on a section of the Air Line Trail in Colchester. Multiply this one by hundreds and you can see why I get upset. (click on photo to enlarge)
Sunday’s hike
The hike in Colchester had its moments. Parts of River Road along the Salmon River were very icy. We got to a point where our guide, Marty, turned us around and we took a side trail up onto the Air Line Trail.
Downside of multi-use
Once on the Air Line I immediately noticed the surface had been badly chewed up by horses hooves. These hoof marks will still be there (and added to) by spring when the surface dries out. These were gouges. Riding the Air Line on my hybrid bike with no suspension is going to feel like I’m riding a jackhammer. Bike riders would like to live in harmony with equestrians, however as long as horses leave deep hoof prints and piles of manure all over the place, harmony isn’t likely to happen. Only one trail that I’ve ridden has a separate path for horses. All trails need this separate path. My bike tires don’t leave the trail all messed up for the horses. It would be nice if they didn’t mess them up for me. I should mention that horses are not allowed on all trails. Most do not. Just my favorite ones.
No breakfast meeting
I was going to have breakfast with Kathy Sunday morning so we could go over our plans for riding the Erie Canal. She called me early to let me know (and I could hear) she was not well and Lou was down with full-blown flu. We will try again.
Double postBTW: I posted a picture yesterday that I had posted in early January. I must like that picture. Actually, I just like stone walls. I have to start checking my list first. ☺ ☺
Plans for this week
Have my passport photo taken, get a haircut, meet friends for lunch, poetry at Wood Memorial, a chiropractor appointment and a sound healing session with Marie Menut. The only two that can be put off is the photo and the haircut. Everything else is by appointment. You have no need to know I will be meeting with Loving Care #78 this afternoon. ☺☺☺