Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It’s All About My Gardens

For days now I have been digging up weeds, planting patio stones and rumble rocks. Not to mention the fence sections.

If you keep scrolling down you will read all about my ditch digging adventures.

Well, now I think everything is done…for the time being.

In the front, I’m already thinking ahead to next year when I will take the bleeding hearts and put them in the back garden. Also, the wrought iron “pyramid” in the front will probably go in the back also. The phlox and bee balm are overtaking the front and I will let them fill in the middle next year.

Because of plant over-achieving, you can’t see the morning glory and moon vine trying to see the light of day around the pyramid. And those poor mums! They survived the winter, but the bleeding hearts are blocking them.

The ornamental peppers are going to be spectacular!

The entire front garden
Mums behind the bleeding hearts
There are vines growing back there, but hardly visible 
Ornamental peppers
In the back, the garden to the right of the patio is looking pretty good. The coleus will be very nice once it gets a little bigger. There were originally three plants, but one didn’t make it. I think it got stepped on by a four legged one recent night.

On the left of the patio, is probably my best effort. It’s very sparse right now, but I’m thinking more about next year at this point. I have some butterfly weed seeds I want to plant this fall for next year, but I’m not sure just where. I have to do some research on full sun/partial sun/shade requirements for certain plants to be named later. I’d like to grow some spiky things along the fence. Perennial of course.

Just roses and sunflowers for now
Everything needs to grow...except the hosta. Coleus, mums and sedum will get there
AND lest we forget the deck planters, they are doing nicely, also. The railing planters have begonia, vinca, and upright fuchsia (gartenmeister). Last but not least, the tomato plants are nothing short of spectacular.

Deck planters
That’s it from my gardens…for the time being.