Thursday, July 10, 2008

My A/C Went Pffffftttttt!

Granddaughter, Jimaine, who graduated with honors from Fermi High School on June 26th.

A day of whine and roses
Thank goodness the weather turned cooler and dryer over night. I woke up this morning and my air conditioner wasn’t making any noise. This is a big A/C stuck into my living room wall. I have no idea how many BTUs, but for some reason I want to say 25,000. I pushed the “OFF” switch and waited over two hours before trying it again. All it does is hum (and I don’t even recognize the tune!). Now I have to call someone to get it fixed and hope I don’t have to replace it. I do not like spending money.

I have to tell you, I had a dream last night that someone was banging on my front door and yelling the side of my house was on fire. That’s it. I did not wake up. I wonder if my subconscious was aware there was a problem with the A/C and was trying to warn me? Thank goodness it shut itself off. It didn’t trip a circuit breaker (that’s the first thing I checked), so I wonder if it has it’s own fuse and blew that? Whatever happened, I’m grateful there was no fire.

I had an enjoyable bike ride this morning. First, after I had gone about 5 miles, I got a call from Kathy and we talked for several minutes. She’s always so busy at work and after work I don’t get a chance to talk to her that much. And a few miles down the road I saw my friend, Nancy, (a.k.a., East Windsor Bike Lady). We stopped in the shade of a tree on Olde Main Street (across from the Olde Burying Grounds) and talked for a good 20 minutes or more.

I love it when these things happen!

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