Monday, November 24, 2008

What Color Is It?

Photo: This is me at the dinosaur track kiosk in Windsor's Northwest Park. Photo courtesy of my good ol' hiking buddy, Jon Roe.

Not since the end of August have I colored my hair. That was just before my Erie Canal bike ride and since then there's been a lot of life happening and no time for all of it to happen in! Until today.

I have taken a day off from hectic running of errands and dashing over to the nursing home to visit my mother. Today I play catch-up. That included sleep.

Laundry is done.
The rest of the cleaning and picking up of the house is done.

I did go to the grocery stores. Some things just have to be done.

And, finally, my hair color is done, too!

No more mousy (my apologies to any mouse that might be offended) grey/ dirty blond/washout brown/yuck. It is all beautiful medium golden brown, thanks to Loving Care #78. My hair was never blond, but as the color fades to yuck, that's what it looks like.

When I was younger my hair was auburn. That beautiful shade of red/brown. It was long and thick and curly. Then it turned very dark brown. Then it started turning....grey. It has lost its curl, but in humid weather it is quite wavy.

Who cares? you might ask. I do and I'm the only one who matters.

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