Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What a Crazy Night

The whole day yesterday, in fact, was totally crazy. First we had severe thunder storms all over the place morning, noon and, especially last night. While the night storms were going full blast, we had another drama playing out. You may have seen on TV the news of the hostage situation in South Windsor. That was going on two streets south of where I live. I did hear the explosions but was unable to see the fire. I am surrounded by so many trees I couldn’t see anything…not even a glow in the sky. Then…

I heard what sounded like someone running into the side of my house. You know, like a human person...body. At the same time I heard a car take off from the stop sign squealing the tires. Now I’m sure that what I heard was a body being dumped (thrown?) up against my house gangland style (I watch way too many CSI programs!). There is nothing in the world that will make me go out there to look. Thought about calling the police, but they were all busy you-know-where.

You’ll have to go online to see the hostage video and story, but you can see what did fall on my house during the storm. It was a relief to see it was only that huge limb and didn’t do any damage to the house. It did squash a bed of peonies, but they will survive. My peonies don’t bloom anymore because they don’t get enough sun. I’m having all of them dug up and I’m giving them away. Sorry, they are all spoken for.

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