Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When I say the path narrows, I mean the path narrows!

From this point the path narrows considerably and the surface is very rough, with stones and trap rock imbedded in the hard packed soil. This part of the trail has always been bad and it looks like, in the four years since I last rode it, things have not improved. As riders approached from the opposite direction, I chose to stop, pull over, and let them by. I get too nervous if I feel I don’t have sufficient room to navigate.

And, here is a pile of horse manure! I have this thing about horses using a dirt rail trail. Their hooves dig in and create little craters. When I ride over these indentations, it feels like I’m riding a jackhammer. I particularly have a large problem with these piles of manure (I’m trying to be a lady in my description). I want an enjoyable ride without being shaken to pieces and playing Dodge the Piles!

Mile 5.06, just crossed Wales Rd. and the path continues to narrow. As I cross Wales Rd. there is a cacophony of barking dogs…sounds like mostly hunting dogs. The funny part is, they suddenly stopped. Like a switch was thrown. I wonder if it’s motion or sound activated noise to protect property.

As I pass the 12-mile marker (I haven’t gone 12 miles…more like almost 6), I figure it must be about another mile to the bridge.

Where the trail parallels Route 6 in Andover (across from the library) the trail is barely a fat tire wide (I’m riding a hybrid) and very rough. I can’t wait to see what it’s like further down.