Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Erie Canal, Rocky Hill Ferry and Celtics

Left: “Horse” to commemorate the time in Lincoln’s life when he was a judge and rode the court circuit. Hence we still call some our courts, “Circuit Court.”
Right: “Lincoln meets Stowe” commemorates a time when Abe Lincoln and Harriet Beecher Stowe met. They certainly had a lot in common, I would say.

I am going to go back to the exhibit and photograph the plaques that accompany each sculpture and post them together. That way you will be able to see the piece and read what it’s all about.

Canal, Ferry and Basketball?
What in the world could these possibly have to do with one another? They all played an important part in yesterday’s most enjoyable day.

The Canal
I spent the morning working on our bike ride on the Erie Canal bikeway this coming September. I have developed a unique itinerary document that outlines, as much as possible, what each day will entail. I have listed (on each day) where we will be starting from, what we might want to take note of along the way and information on where we will be staying the night. I will be able to make trail notes on these same pages as we travel. How often do we say, “Oh, I’ll never forget…?” and at the end of the day it’s gone. Tape recorded notes will also be made.

From there, I went to a spreadsheet I developed with all the information we’ll need regarding lodging. AND I made the last reservation. So now we know where we will sleep every night and where our bikes will spend the night. At B&Bs our bikes will either be in a garage, shed, or chained to a tree. Thank goodness the motels will let us bring them into our room. We will be fully loaded and having to unload, carry everything UP to a bedroom then reverse the procedure the next morning isn’t going to be fun!

Now. All we have to do is the ride.

The Ferry
I met my friend, Leslie, for lunch in Rocky Hill. Our restaurant of choice, Mitchell’s, has an extensive menu, good food, and not expensive. It is also not far from the Rocky Hill Ferry. We went from lunch at Mitchell’s on the Silas Deane Highway to dessert (ice cream) at Mitchell’s at the Rocky Hill Ferry dock and park. It was a comfortable, spectacular day to be sitting near the water. We chose a picnic table under the trees and talked and talked. We saw several bike riders taking the ferry across to Glastonbury just as Leslie and I had done last fall. That was a fun ride in spite of all the hills.

Meet the new NBA Champs: The Boston Celtics
I have to mention the Boston Celtics smeared the L. A. Lakers all over the parquet floor last night in Boston.

I slept so soundly last night! ☺☺

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done for this wonderful blog.