Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Last Two Days

Left: I believe this is Mountain Laurel. Jess has this all over the place.
Right: The island is the green blob in the top right-of-center. To the left of the island you can see the swing bridge. Click on the photos to enlarge.

More poetry?
You would think, after eight days of the CT Beat Poetry Festival, the last thing I’d want is another poetry event. Well, not so. Tuesday night found me in East Granby at the Cossett Library to hear featured reader Rennie McQuilken. He and his poetry are delightful. And, yes, there was open mic. There are a lot of very good poets in the area surrounding East Granby. What a treat.

As for the library itself, the space is not large, but it’s well suited for this type of event. All around, near the ceiling, are beautiful windows, which let in natural light from all directions. And the fragrance! I grew up with the Sadd Memorial Library (in the Wapping section of South Windsor) as my second home. There is a fragrance given off by books, magazines, and old newspapers that permeates the walls and lasts forever. The Sadd Library now has offices—my accountant is in one of them. When I go there at tax time, I inhale fragrant memories. Cossett Library has that same fragrance and transported me back to my childhood.

I hope they keep having programs like that. It was a great experience. That library, even though it is small, is a treasure. I hope it never goes away.

Over the river and through the woods to Granddaughter’s house……
Then, yesterday, I drove down to Chester, CT to visit my granddaughter, Jessica. She and James live high above the CT River and the energy is so peaceful. From their front porch you can see a small slice of the river through the trees and flowering bushes (which I do believe is Mountain Laurel). A short walk to the left brought us to a wooden stairway leading down to a dock in the water.

Looking north there is an island and beyond that is the swing bridge going from Haddam to East Haddam in the vicinity of the Goodspeed Opera House. Across the river is nothing but rolling hills covered with trees and an occasional rooftop peeking out.

And Jess cooked up the best tasting salmon filet accompanied by raw snow peas and fresh fruit. She can cook for me any day!

After lunch we went, by bicycle, to visit James’ mother in Deep River. The ride was short (3.43 one way), but it was rolling hills. One of them rolled on for quite a distance and another just went up. All in all not bad. I rode every one of them in the saddle! I had never met Cathie before and she’s so much a lady after my own heart in many ways. It felt like we are old friends. I’m sure we are.

This afternoon I plan a longer ride with fewer hills. I need to come up with a new schedule where I can get out in the morning before it gets too hot and still be back home in time to get lunch on the table for noon. I’m really getting concerned about being in shape for the Erie Canal ride in September.

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