Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Leaves & Woolly Bears

Fall foliage along the Air Line Trail looking east from the Lyman Viaduct.

Do you hear the leaves laughing?

I was going to take a picture yesterday of my yard after I cleared it of leaves, but by the time I got around to doing that, the ground was covered again. ☹ Today there are twice as many leaves as I cleaned up yesterday. I’ll wait until next Monday and attack them again.

More on Woolly Bears

As I blew away the leaves on Monday, I found several woolly bears. I should have gathered them for a group photo just to show you what their dark and light markings were. Every one of them had a wide brown/orange stripe in the middle, which means we should be expecting a mild winter.

It made me wonder if they were last year’s woolly bears that didn’t get this year’s memo.

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