Wednesday, September 19, 2007


A tangle of bittersweet.
Click on the photo to enlarge.

Exploring Wethersfield
My friend Leslie and I did some exploration by bike through Old Wethersfield today. We noted the compactness of the historic district; how well maintained these homes are; the flower gardens; the friendly people.

Feeling adventurous, we rode Elm Street from Broad St., Wethersfield to the Rocky Hill Ferry landing. This is a dirt road that follows the river for a while before turning off through farmland. At the landing we relaxed in the shade while we watched the ferry and other boats on the river.

The weather was perfect.

After racking our bikes (back at Wethersfield Cove) we drove to a farm stand where I bought some fresh butter and sugar corn. Here we parted company determined not to let so much time elapse before we ride again.

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