Looking toward the condo’s on South Water St. in Warehouse Point from the Windsor Locks side of the river on Rte 159. The river was high.
A January bike ride
The photo was taken yesterday as I went bike riding for the first time this year. What’s incredible, the temps were up close to 60°.
I brought my bike with me (on the car rack) when I went to breakfast with the girls. By the time we finished eating and talking the temperature had warmed up considerably—as I had expected.
I’ve never been able to ride in January. This year I have the benefit of cool weather bike riding long pants. That made all the difference in the world. I had four light layers on my upper body and a quilted vest (unzipped). Even though it was near 60°, there was a chill in the air from what little snow was left on the ground. Water, any water—flowing or still, was cold and added to the air’s chill. I worked up a sweat, but not enough to peel off any layers.
I decided to ride into Windsor via Windsor Locks. I chose roads that took me west and up some hills to the flats. From there I rode through quiet neighborhoods to Kennedy Road. (I realize this means nothing to you if you are don’t live around north-central Connecticut) I stopped by Kathy’s place of employment and left a note on her windshield. She called me a Stalker Mom! ☺ I tried calling her, but her line was busy, so I just left the note and continued on my way down Hayden Station Road.
I meandered toward the center of Windsor and stopped in the area of Bart’s and the Farmington River before heading back to my car at the East Windsor Diner. I put on almost 18 miles and it felt good!
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