Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Snapper It Is

Look at this sweet face. (Click on the photos to enlarge) On second thought, you might not want to. While bike riding last year on the Rockville (CT) Spur of the Hop River Trail, Bonnie and I came across this turtle. We are of the opinion that it is a snapping turtle.

The last time I posted a turtle (Dec. 23, ’07) I called it a snapper. I was corrected by Elaine. It was not a snapper. I posted a correction.

Now the question is: Is this a snapper?

Bonnie and I think so. Elaine doesn’t think it is or, at best, isn’t sure. Then Elaine suggested I check on the internet. Great idea.
I Googled “snapping turtles” and came up with one site where I could send pictures of our shelled beauty. (Elaine’s suggestion also. She’s always thinking!)

Here is the answer I rec’d from the experts:

Subject: [RE]Can you identify
Date: Wednesday, January 9, 2008 9:12 PM

From: Thomas Schucker

Hi Beverly,

This turtle probably acted out its name. It is a common snapping turtle. Some make good pets when raised form babies, but large adults do not.


One of the rare times I’m right and Elaine is willing to be my witness. I have it in writing. ☺☺☺

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