Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gluten is not the Problem

Back in late February my digestive system was tied in knots and, in other ways, making me feel awful. It got to the point where I would cancel plans because of it.

I thought perhaps it was an allergy to gluten. I recently became allergic to poison ivy, so why not gluten.

I went on a gluten free diet for a couple of weeks and have come to this conclusion: I am not allergic to gluten. What I cannot do any more is majorly disrupt my eating/sleeping routine. Big NO NO for me now.

When the gastric upset started I was deep into the Olympics…staying up late, sleeping late, not eating on the usual schedule. It was about the time the Olympics ended that I started gluten-free. My symptoms went away to where I was before the Olympics. If the reason had been gluten allergy, the pre-Olympic symptoms should have disappeared. They didn’t.

Without going into details, what I think I need is a probiotic of some kind. I’m going to get tested to see if that is the case.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

Now you're talking! My doc recommended Metagenics Ultra Flora Plus DF Capsules to me. They need to be refrigerated and they worked like a charm! Good luck.